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Keras & Tensorflow Compatible Issues
We need Keras to conduct the Behavioral Cloning. In the process of installing and using Keras, I met some problems. The "carnd-term1"...
Installing TensorFlow with GPU support
The second project of Self-Driving Car program is "Traffic Sign Classifier Project". In order to gain a quicker training process,...
Install OpenCV in Anaconda to use Spyder
I use Python(x,y) ( to program python 2.7, the most important reason is that it has the Spyder built inside....
Project 1: Finding Lane Lines on the Road 1.0
The first project is finding lane lines on the road in a recorded video. The lecture part runs smoothly, learnt a lot of new information...
Self-Driving Car 0.0
I paid and enrolled the Self-Driving Car Nanodegree Program today. I am eager to start to learn some new skills I really interested with....
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